Download the Certificate on a Desktop Computer

  1. Please follow steps 1-5 Setting Up Your Star Micronics mC-Print3 Desktop (Ethernet-Based) Receipt Printer
  2. Once you have Downloaded the Certificate, please add it to the Files section of one of your Valued Customer

Install the Certificate on the iPad

  1. Open up the Chrome App and open up Molo [] on the iPad
  2. Open up Valued Customer, go to the Files section of test contact and download the StarCertificate.cer file
  3. Click Download
  4. On the bottom, select Open in...
  5. Select Save to Files > save in the section On my iPad > Save 
  6. Then open up the Files > Click on the Certificate.
  7. Return to the Home Screen > Settings and then select 'Profile Downloaded', check that it is the Static IP that was set for the printer and hit Install
  8. To turn on trust SSL/TLS trust for that certificate, go to Settings > General > About > Certificate Trust Settings. Under "Enable full trust for root certificates," turn on trust for the Certificate IP that was added.

Add the Printer to Molo

  1. Log into Molo.
  2. Go to Menu --> Admin --> Receipt Printers.
  3. Click to create a new receipt printer.
  4. Give the printer a name and enter the IP Address from the steps above.
  5. Note: We recommend labeling the printer with the name and IP address.
  6. Save the entry and then click Make My Default Printer.