This guide will walk you through the steps to create new items for sale or purchase in Molo. Creating New Inventory Items is for the creating or updating the following in Molo:
- Invoice Charges
- Tracked Inventory Items for Sale or Purchase
- Non-Tracked Items for Sale in the Marina
- Inventory Items for Service and Repair
- Fees and Other Invoice Items
Create a New Inventory Item
- The Inventory tools in Molo can only be accessed via our web app.
- Click Menu --> Inventory and Charges.
- Click New Item at the top right of the screen.
Required items are annotated with a little red star. Also, clicking on the letter "i" will provide useful help and reminders on what to enter for each field.
Molo Information
- Below is a summary of what to enter in the Molo Information section:
- Item Code - This is a unique identifier for an item and is not shown on Customer Facing items.
- Item Name - This is the Primary text displayed to customers in invoices, estimates, and work orders. For the convenience of your customer's convenience, make it clear and easy to understand.
- Description - This is private and not visible to customers. You can add different spellings or alternate part numbers here to assist your searches.
- Category - This is required and will assist you in grouping items for reporting purposes. To add additional categories, contact our Support team with the Need Help? button.
- Purchase Price - This is only required for parts or items that you purchase from vendors.
- Sales Price - This is the price used for invoicing customers. For Fuel items, it can be 3 decimal places.
- Inventory Tracked - Turning this on will track how much of an item you have on hand. It will also, keep a detailed Audit Trail of when you purchase and sell an item. Note: Turning this switch on will also stop you from adding this item to a work order or invoicing this item when doing so would bring the Quantity on Hand below 0.
- Taxable - Turning this on will cause the item to be taxed at your normal rate.
- Override Tax Rate - For special items that have a different tax rate, you can put a percentage in this box to override your normal tax rate.
- Item Charge Method - This indicates to the system how you invoice this item. Below are some special conditions to note:
- The "Flat Fee" method will be your most common method. Use it unless you have special conditions listed here.
- The "Per Foot" and "Per Meter" methods are for items charged by boat length. Use this method for things like painting labor, detailing, or hauling fees.
- The "Per Hour" method is for items charged by the hour like labor or hauling. You must set this when billing labor via Work Orders with tracked employee hours.
- The "Percent" method is for items charged by percentage in Work Orders. An example would be a recycling or environmental fee.
- Quantity Can Be Decimal - Turn this on to allow decimals in the quantity of this item in work orders or invoices.
- Available as Add-On - Turn this on to allow this item to be used as an add-on to reservations.
- Sublet Item - Turn this one to allow the item to be added to a Work Order as a Sublet Item; used when you have a subcontractor performing work that you want to invoice to a customer..
- Allow Total Price Entry - Turn this on to allow for the entry of the total price to determine the quantity sold.
- Item Code - This is a unique identifier for an item and is not shown on Customer Facing items.
Inventory Information
- All of the elements in the Inventory Information section are optional. You can use them to help track your inventory and services more precisely. Below is a summary of each field in that section:
- Location - Use this to mark the physical location of parts or services. Examples would be different physical locations or different areas / yards. To have additional choices added, contact Support using the Need Help? button.
- Room - Use this to indicate in which room a part is located.
- Aisle, Row, and Bin - Use this to track the physical location of an item in a particular room.
- The Parts and Service information allows you to configure items for use in Work Orders or Estimates.
- Job Category - this is the section that would determine if an Inventory Item is available inside the Estimates & Workorders Sections of Molo. Leave this as Not Set if you either don't use Molo's service tools or don't want this item to appear in Work Orders or Estimates.
- Note: If you create an item and forget to set this, please contact Molo Support using the Need Help? button and Take a Screenshot of the affected item.
- Note: Once you create an item and set the job category, Molo locks the job category in the system and it cannot be changed. If you need to change the job category after setting it, you will need to delete and re-create the item.
- Manufacturer and Manufacturer Part Number - If you set the Job Category to Parts, you can define a Manufacturer and Manufacturer Part Number. This is hidden from the customer and you can use it to aid your searches.
- Note: If you don't use Molo's Xero integration, you can stop here and press the Save button at the top right of the screen.
Xero Information
- Below is how to fill out the fields in the Xero Information section.
- Purchase Account - This will be the General Ledger account used to post vendor bills and expenses in Xero. You only need to pick this if you purchase this item from a vendor.
- Purchase Tax Rate - This will be the Tax Rate used when posting vendor bills in Xero. Typically, you will select "Non-Taxable Purchases". You only need to pick this if you purchase this item from a vendor.
- Sales Account - This is the General Ledger account used to post invoices and revenue to Xero.
- Sales Tax Rate - This is the Tax Rate used when posting invoice items to Xero. Note: Take careful note to make sure you've selected a tax rate that matches your Molo taxation settings.
- The Tracking Categories section only applies to certain Xero integrations. You can use these tracking categories to differentiate revenue or purchases based on special promotions or certain revenue locations / cost centers. For additional detail on how this works, contact Molo Support using the Need Help? button.
Tracked Inventory Audits & Adjustments
- Tracked inventory items show an audit trail, as well as the capability for Manual Inventory Adjustments at the very bottom of the inventory item page.
- When you create an inventory adjustment you have the following options:
- Adjustment Type - Increase or Decrease
- Adjustment Date
- Adjustment Account (Xero OR GL Report) - this dropdown allows the user to select a specific account for adjustments that may differ from the standard COGS account for the item. This is an advanced feature and may not be used by all businesses.
- Adjustment + Price: Where you enter the amount of the adjustment and purchase/unit cost of the item (not the sales price).
- Notes: The notes section will populate the Reference line.