To send a single email to a customer outlining all their outstanding invoices and Balance owed to you, you should use the Statements page. After you enter a Statement Date, the system will gather all invoices dated on or before the statement date. See the tips below on how the statements page works.

The Statements page can be accessed under Receivables --> Statements.

Statements Page Columns - You can click on each column to sort by that column. Each additional click will change the sort order. The best use of this is to click the Current Balance to sort customers by how much they owe.

  1. Current Balance - This sums together all the outstanding invoices that are contained within the Statement Date you selected.
    1. This column automatically accounts for any outstanding credits or payments within the Statement Date period even if they are not allocated to the outstanding invoices.
  2. 31 - 60 Days - This sums together all outstanding invoices that are 31 to 60 days aged from the Statement Date you selected. This column excludes payments and credits.
  3. 61 - 90 Days - This sums together all outstanding invoices that are 61 to 90 days aged from the Statement Date you selected. This column excludes payments and credits.
  4. Past 90 Days - This sums together all outstanding invoices that are 91 days or more aged from the Statement Date you selected. This column excludes payments and credits.
  5. Outstanding Credit - This column shows any outstanding prepayment, overpayment, or credit note that has yet to be allocated. It assists you in locating opportunities to allocate credit to outstanding invoices.

Statements Page Tools / Buttons

  1. Statement Date- Clicking on the date will open a calendar. The date you enter here will be used to populate the list of customer balances.
    1. Example: If you pick a Statement Date of June 30, 2017 the system will gather all outstanding invoices, prepayments, overpayments, and credit notes that have an Invoice Date of June 30, 2017 or earlier. It will use these invoices to calculate each customer's balance.
    2. The Statement Date you select will also be displayed on emails and printed statements sent to customers.
  2. Show 25 Contacts Per Page - This drop-down menu allows you to change how many contacts are displayed at once.
  3. Select / Unselect All- This button will check or uncheck all the boxes of all contacts that currently appear in the list.
    1. Note: This button works in conjunction with the Show ## Contacts Per Page. If you set this to show 50 Contacts Per Page, the Select All will only check the boxes for the 50 contacts on the current page.
  4. Action for Selected - This performs the selected action only on the contacts that have the checked box and only the contacts that appear on the current page.
  5. Action for All - This performs the selected action on all contacts regardless on if they appear on the current page. This also ignores the Show ## Contacts Per Page.

Statements Page Actions - These actions are linked to whether they are accessed from Action for Selected or Action for All.

  1. Email Statements - This will trigger an email to each customer from your selection that does NOT have their Automatic Charging preference set to Charge Credit Card. The email will include a summary of each invoice, invoice date, invoice title, invoice total, and invoice balance. It will also include a grand total and balance. A button for View Detail / Pay Online allows customers to view the detailed line items of every single invoice and make a single payment online.
  2. Email Auto-Charge Statements - This will trigger an email to each customer from your selection that has their Automatic Charging preference set to Charge Credit Card. The email will include a summary of each invoice, invoice date, invoice title, invoice total, and invoice balance. It will also include a grand total and balance. A button for View Detail / Pay Online allows customers to view the detailed line items of every single invoice and make a single payment 
  3. Add Finance Charges - This function allows you to add finance charges / late fees to customers with an outstanding balance as of a date you select. Read more about the finance charge setup & finance charge process here!
  4. Additional content will be added as we release more Statements Actions.

Example of Molo Statement Email