Below is an explanation of how the Slip Owner Activity and Distribution report captures data.

  1. Using the Dates entered, the system scans all reservations for their Actual Departure Date.
    1. Note that this requires that you check out reservations to recognize their revenue for distribution reporting.
  2. Normally, the system will not display a slip if no reservations checked out during the date range selected. This is true even if the slip has an owner. If you want to see all slips regardless if there was a reservation in the date range, check the box labeled: Include Slips without Reservations
  3. The Reservation column is a clickable link that will take you to the Reservation Preview.
  4. The Invoice Number column will show the invoice number or numbers under that reservation.
  5. The Revenue column shows the revenue from Transient or Seasonal rate codes selected during the reservation creation or modification. It will also include any Charge or Inventory item that has the Distribute to Owners setting enabled in the Inventory Item page.
    1. Make sure to turn on Distribute to Owner for any dockage fees you add by hand like adjustments, check-in fees, or differential nightly charges.
  6. The Payments column shows the sum of all payments and deposits taken for the reservation.
  7. The Balance column shows if the reservation has a remaining balance as a warning when paying out distributions.
  8. The Payment Processing Fee column will check the Payment Processing Fee Type that is set in the Slip settings. If set as a Flat Fee, then that flat amount is displayed and used in calculations. If configured to Percent, it first sums all payments, prepayments, and refunds linked to the reservation that were Credit Card or Bank Account payment methods.
    1. If the sum of all transactions is greater than the Revenue, then only the dockage amount is multiplied by the percentage.
    2. If the sum of all transactions is less than the Revenue, then the transaction sum is multiplied by the percentage.
  9. The Management Fee column will check the Management Fee Type that is set in the Slip settings. If set as a Percent, it will multiply the percent and the Revenue amount.
  10. The Distribution column is simply Revenue - Payment Processing Fee - Management Fee. The Payment Processing and Management fees are rounded before being subtracted from the revenue.
  11. If a slip has a Maintenance Fee associated with it, that will be displayed. The Total Distribution for each slip will be less the Maintenance Fee.

Important Notes

  1. If you sell or invoice something during a reservation, you must add it to a Reservation Invoice or create a new Reservation Invoice by going to Menu --> Reservations --> Billing Tab --> Create New Invoice. This is because Standalone Invoices are not included in this report.
  2. Refunds are included in payment processing fees because most card brands and card issuing banks charge fees for refunds.