When a lock date is set, no financial records can be created or modified on or before that Lock Date. However, you may take payments or perform allocations to outstanding invoices and credit notes within a locked period.

Below are some examples of restricted actions on invoices within a locked period. 

  1. Items cannot be added, removed, or discounted. 
  2. Dates (Invoice Date or Due Date) cannot be modified. 
  3. Cannot be voided.

As a result of the Lock Date it may become necessary to manually post an invoice when nights are added to a reservation or when additional charges need to be posted. Additionally, if you provide a discount or reduce a length of a reservation, it may become necessary to post a Credit Note. You should remain vigilant when editing reservations whose invoices are contained within locked periods.

For more information on a lock date, read our article on How A Lock Date Works.

Below are some tips for dealing with adjustments after a period is locked.

Extending the Length of a Reservation

  1. After the reservation change is complete, press the button to go to the Reservation Preview.
  2. Go to the Billing tab.
  3. Check the number of nights in the invoice(s). If too few nights have been billed and the invoice is contained within a locked period, click Create New Invoice.
  4. Add the appropriate dockage rate from the Charges list.
  5. Simply enter the number of nights as the quantity. The system will automatically account for the length of the vessel.
  6. Take Payment or press Save to Account.

Providing a Discount or Decreasing Reservation Length

  1. Open the invoice that needs to be discounted in either the Payment or Refund mode.
  2. Press the Credit/Return button at the bottom right of the page.
  3. Use the Quantity and Unit Price together to create a Credit Note for the discount.
  4. Note: The system automatically adds tax to the credit note so enter the amount pre-tax.
  5. You can now allocate this credit to an outstanding invoice. You can also perform a refund from within the Credit Note.

Voiding an Invoice

  1. Open the invoice that needs to be voided in either the Payment or Refund mode.
  2. Press the Credit/Return button at the bottom right of the page.
  3. Select all items in the Credit/Return window without changing the quantity or unit price.
  4. Press the Credit/Return button.
  5. Once the Credit Note is created, click the Original Invoice number link in blue to return to the original invoice that needs to be voided.
  6. Press Options --> Allocate Credit.
  7. Allocate the credit from the newly created Credit Note to make the invoice balance $0.00.

Voiding or Reversing a Credit Note

  1. Create an invoice with the same exact items and pricing as the credit note.
  2. Attach that invoice to the same contact that has the credit note.
  3. Touch Allocate Credit to allocate the credit note to the invoice.