The Rate Usage and Revenue report is a way to see how many times a particular rate was used for a reservation and how much revenue was generated from that rate.

How the Report Retrieves Data

  1. The Date Range you enter is used to retrieve revenue based on the Scheduled Arrival Date of reservations.
  2. The report then examines Invoice Line Items that were created from reservation rates. Note: If you deleted the system-generated dockage fee or storage fee and added your own via the Add Charges button of the invoice page, those rate usages won't appear on this report.

Explanation of Specific Columns

  1. Rate - Shows the name of the rate.
  2. Count of Reservations - Shows the number of reservation created with this rate.
  3. Number of Times Charged - Shows the number times a rate was included on an invoice. Note: If you delete or void the rate line item in the invoice it will be excluded from this count.
  4. Total Revenue - This is a sum of the Subtotal (less tax) of all the times the rate was used in the report's date range. Note: If you delete or void the rate line item in the invoice it will be excluded from this count.