You can't exactly make a credit note for the tax only so you need to make a credit note WITH the tax and then create a new invoice without the tax. The customer now has a credit balance for the tax amount under the new credit note.
- Make sure to complete steps 2-5 with the Contact --> Tax Exempt button OFF. The contact needs to be taxable for steps 1-3 to make a credit note with the tax.
- Open the invoice in Refund mode.
- Touch Credit/Return.
- Select the checkbox next to the specific item that was purchased in the original invoice
- Save the credit note to account.
- Make the contact tax exempt.
- Create a new invoice without the tax. If the customer is tax-exempt that happens automatically. If it is a one-off, then use the Pencil --> Override Tax to change the tax rate to 0.
- Use the Allocate Credit button to use the taxed credit note to pay off the new tax-exempt invoice.
- The contact will now have a credit balance equal to the tax amount from the original taxed invoice.
A similar procedure can be used toFix a Paid Invoice with Incorrect Tax