The Sales and Cash Flow reports have two main components, the transactions section and the revenue section. Both sections display totals, as well as a break out for walk in transactions.

  1. The Detail Version:  Shows one row for each inventory item or reservation rate in the revenue section.
  2. The Summary Version:  Shows a summary by category in the revenue section.

Checking the Exclude Reservation and Work Order Invoices box excludes all activity related to reservations and work orders including any linked transactions and revenue.

Transactions (upper portion of report):

  1. The date range entered is used to retrieve all payments and refunds in that time period and looks at the Transaction Date. That includes payments, overpayments, payment on account, prepayments, and security deposits.
  2. Under Summary for All Sales
    1. The All Sales line sums all the revenue
    2. The Less Payments line is the net of (payments-refunds)
    3. The Balances Remaining is the All Sales minus the Less Payments lines

Revenue (lower section of report):

  1. The revenue section sums all the items in each invoice for the display. In short, this section mirrors the regular Revenue and Category Revenue report. The revenue sections of the report retrieves all receivable invoices with an Invoice Datethat is dated in the date range selected including:
    1. Reservation invoices
    2. Standalone invoices
    3. Service invoices

Note: In the Sales and Cashflow Reports, it is normal if the Sales and Payments don't completely line up for the date range.

All Sales: This field looks at the date range selected and sums up the total of Invoice Lines dated in that period.
Less Payments: This field looks at the date range selected and sums up the total of all Transactions dated in that period.