When you check out a reservation early, you receive a pop-up that asks if you want to change the Scheduled Departure Date. The impact of this on different reports is explained below.

  • Reservation Revenue - For reservations that span more than 4 weeks, this report has columns that shows the accrual and distribution of reservation revenue across multiple months. When changing the Scheduled Departure Date you change the number of nights used in the math for distributing revenue. If you want revenue spread evenly across multiple months, you need to select the option labeled Set Scheduled Departure to End of Month.
  • Reservation Movements, Reservation Follow-Up, Reservation List - These 3 reports use Scheduled Departure Date to gather reservations.
  • Space Occupancy, Multi-Occupancy Dockage - These 2 reports use both the Scheduled Arrival Date and Scheduled Departure Date to calculate occupancy.