
Molo Online Booking is an awesome way to boost bookings and revenue by enabling your current and prospective customers to book commission-free transient reservations at your Marina!

Molo Online Booking has two components, a customer facing portal and internal, marina facing, settings which determine what spaces, dates, and rate categories the customers are able to book online!

If you are looking for more information on setting up and configuring Molo Online Booking, check out these articles for more detail:

Set Up

Molo Online Booking initially set up in partnership with your Molo Account Manager - please reach out to support@getmolo.com for help setting up Molo Online Booking.

Your Molo AM will give you a special link that you can embed on your website to allow users to book online.


Your Molo Online Booking link takes your customers to the online booking portal where they can search for and book offers that you've made available! 

Take a look at the following screenshots to see the process the customer would follow to book online!

Notes, Tips, Tricks:

  • Molo Online Booking is only available for transient, short term, bookings at this time, and cannot be used for seasonal or recurring reservations.
  • There are no additional fees to use online booking besides the standard online card processing rates.