Changing the status of a reservation can be done from two places. They are illustrated below.

Changing Reservation Status from the Slips Page

  1. Press Menu --> Slips.
  2. Find the reservation which you want to check in.
  3. Click on the down arrow at the right end of the reservation bar.
  4. Click on the Blue Status wording to make the change.

  5. Choose the new status and press Ok.

Changing Reservation Status from the Reservations List

  1. Press Menu --> Reservations.
  2. Search the reservation you need to update. This search is unique in that you can search by Vessel or Contact name. Moreover, you can even search by Slip name.
  3. Click once on the reservation you need to update.
  4. Click on the Blue Status wording to make the change.
  5. Choose the new status and press Ok.