Helpful Background Information:

Refunds are always applied to Credit Notes, Payment, or Prepayment invoice types. If you want to apply a refund to a Standalone, Reservation, or Service type invoice, you would first Credit/Return to create a Credit Note on the account, then Refund from the Credit Note. If that process is too long for your liking, you can also Void (instructions here) the line items or entire invoice, which would skip the credit note process, but leave less of an audit trail on the account. Talk to your marina's accounting team to determine the best process for you!

Section 1: Start Here!

What type of invoice do you want to refund?

  1. If it's a Standalone, Reservation, or Service type invoice...
    1. Does it contain a payment line OR a payment allocation?
      1. If it's a payment line (ex: Payment - Visa - 12/31/19) --> go to step 1 of Section 2: Refunding a Payment Line.
      2. If it's a payment allocation (ex: Payment Allocation - 12/31/19 (555555)) --> go to step 1 of Section 3: Refunding a Payment Invoice.
  2. If it's a Credit Note, Payment, Prepayment, Overpayment, or Security Deposit type invoice...
    1. Does it contain allocations or not?
      1. If there ARE allocations (ex: Payment Allocation - 12/31/19 (555555)) --> go to step 1 of Section 3: Refunding a Payment Invoice.
      2. If there are NO allocations on the invoice (which would appear as a blue link similar to the text: Payment Allocation - 12/31/19 (555555)) then --> skip straight to step 2 of Section 3: Refunding a Payment Invoice.

Section 2: Refunding a Payment Line

  1. Create a credit note (instructions here) from the invoice in question (ex: Invoice Number 555555).
  2. For Credit Card Refunds:
    1. Select the Pencil icon next to the payment line and select Refund. NOTE - This is different process than if you're refunding a payment invoice (as in Section 3)!
    2. A pop up with the original transaction ID will come up.
      1. In the pop up, you MUST check the box next to the transaction ID for the refund to go through (regardless of full or partial refund).
        1. If you wish to process the whole amount to refund, enter the whole amount of the original transaction.
        2. If you wish to process less than the whole amount, enter the amount you'd like to refund.
    3. Then select the yellow Refund button and follow the prompts to complete the refund.
  3. For Cash or Check Refunds:
    1. Open the Credit Note in Refund mode (make sure the top of the screen has a red "Refund" bar), enter the amount to be refunded in the Enter Value field, select the appropriate method of refund, and follow the prompts to complete the refund.

Section 3: Refunding a Payment Invoice

(e.g. Payment Invoice 555556 allocated to Standalone Invoice 555555)

  1. If a payment is allocated to an invoice, you must first Delete the allocation, then you can Refund directly from the Payment Invoice.
    1. Open the invoice that needs to be refunded. Click the Pencil icon next to the allocation line (ex: Payment Allocation - 12/31/19 (555556)) and click Delete Allocation. 
      1. IF YOU ARE USING XERO: You must first go remove the allocation from Xero before you can remove in Molo (Molo will give you a warning to this affect). If this is the case, go remove the allocation from Xero, then return and continue (link for detailed instructions).
    2. NOTE if the payment is allocated to more than one invoice, you'll need to remove multiple allocations.
  2. Refund from the Payment Invoice: Once the allocation is removed, you can process a refund by opening the payment invoice (e.g. Payment Invoice 555556) in Refund mode (make sure the top of the screen has a red "Refund" bar), entering the amount to refund into the Enter Value field, and selecting refund payment type and follow the prompts to complete the refund. NOTE - This is different process than if you're refunding a payment line (as in Section 2)!
  3. Helpful Tip!:  Since you've removed the allocations from the original invoice in order to refund them, you may want to re-allocate payments or create a credit note to pay off the original invoice.

Section 4: Other Refund Scenarios

To refund credit card transactions greater than 120 days old (e.g.) security deposit transactions:

  1.  Follow the same steps as above, except replace Section 2: Refunding a Payment Line, Step 2 and Section 3: Refunding a Payment Invoice, Step 2 with:
    1. Enter the amount to refund in the Enter Value field by typing or entering the numbers on the Molo number pad, and selecting Credit Card, then selecting a recent transaction from the Refund Prior Transactions dropdown, then follow the prompts to complete the refund.