Time-Based Ratesare calculated rates that change based on the duration of the reservation in Molo. Use these rates if you want the price to vary depending if the customer stays for 1 night, 6 nights, or 2 months.  Customers who use time based rates typically have many transient boaters (staying for 1 night to several months), or marina's who offer month-to-month dockage.

  • Time Based rates are available for selection in the Rate Picker dropdown during new reservation creation, during the date range of the rate.Outside of the date range, the rate will not be visible for selection in the Rate Picker dropdown during new reservation creation.

Seasonal Rates: are time-independent rates, so they don't vary based on the duration of the reservation in Molo. Typically customers who offer "seasonal" dockage (e.g. for the summer season) offer these rates. An example seasonal rate would be $100/ft for the summer. A 20' boat would be charged $2,000 for the season, regardless of the duration of their stay in Molo.  Seasonal rates have the ability to be invoiced in "installments" so a seasonal contract for 6 months could have multiple (eg. 2 or 6) 'installment' invoices.

  • Seasonal rates are available for selection in the Rate Picker dropdown during new reservation creation, when the "Active" setting is toggled on, REGARDLESS of the date range.The date range of a seasonal rate selects the default dates of the seasonal reservation in the reservation creation workflow.

Recurring Rates: are open-ended rates, for Reservations without a set end date. These are used for Reservations where the boater can stay as long as the choose and are billed on a Monthly Basis. Once a Reservation is created, Molo will create a Reservation Invoices on a Monthly Basis for the next month until the Reservation Status is changed to Checked Out or Cancelled or there is a Scheduled Departure Date set. On the 26th day of the month, Molo will create the next months invoice dated on the First Day of the Month. For more details on Recurring Rates please review our guide How do recurring reservations work and why would I use them?