On the date that a Credit Card payment is taken, it is in the Pending state and has not fully processed. If you would need to do a Full Refund or Partial Refund, please see the below steps:

Full Refund

  1. Navigate to the Transactions tab of the Contact
  2. Select the Transaction you are issuing the Same-Day Full Refund 
  3. Click on the Refund button 
  4. In the next screen, locate the Payment Line that you would like to issue a Refund on and select the  Pencil Icon ✎ > Void


* In most cases, this would be a pending charge on the customers statement that would disappear once the void has completed. Some banks might show both actions as a Payment & Refund.

Partial Refund

  1. Navigate to the Transactions tab of the Contact
  2. Select the Transaction you are issuing the Same-Day Partial Refund 
  3. Click on the Refund button 
  4. In the next screen, locate the Payment Line that you would like to issue a Refund on and select the  Pencil Icon ✎ > Refund
  5. In the next popup [see below screenshot], enter the amount that you would like to Refund and hit Refund and on the next screen, type and optional notes and select Finish


Additional Notes

  • There will not be a separate refund line for this action. This will only lessen the amount paid by the refund amount within the Invoice and Transaction Reports.
  • This will not affect the Invoice line item so a Credit Note or update of the Invoice Amount might be needed.