NOTE - This guide is specific for marinas using advanced deferred revenue recognition with the Molo GL report only. For standard credit notes, please see this article.

Example Reasons for Issuing a Deferred Credit Note

  1. A customer paid an invoice with dockage and utilities for 5 nights but had a bad experience. You want to give them credit for use in a future reservation.
  2. An invoice is partially or fully paid but you want to reduce the total balance.
  3. A customer paid for their reservation but you want to cancel the reservation and provide a refund.

Steps for Issuing a Credit Note

  1. Open an invoice from the Contact Account or Reservation Billing Tab.
  2. Press the Pay or Refund button.
  3. At the bottom left of the screen, press Credit / Return.
  4. In the Credit/Return pop-up, check the Box or Boxes next to items you wish to refund. You can manually override the Quantity and Unit Price for each item. Press Credit/Return when done.
    1. Please note that the system will automatically calculate any tax credits so when entering the Unit Price, do not include tax.
  5. If this credit note is linked to an invoice with deferred revenue recognition, you'll be prompted to select how you'd like to recognize the revenue. 
    1. For a standard Deferred Credit Note, you should select to recognize revenue across the entire reservation period (98% of deferred credit notes are done this way).
    2. Press OK when done.
  6. Now you have created a Credit Note for this Contact. You can click the Original Invoice link to go back to the original invoice for the purposes of allocating that credit or issuing a refund.